
Why is email marketing so important right now?

2 min read by Charles Craik 15 Sep 2020


Over the past few months, marketing strategies have needed to evolve to ensure communication remains clear and consistent in a time of uncertainty. Email marketing has played a crucial role in getting key messages in front of the right people.

Whether you are looking to inform customers of changes to your service, introduce new products or add value through useful insights, demonstrating your proactivity through email is essential. However, email marketing shouldn’t be a presentation to a customer, it should be a conversation.

In this video, email marketing specialist Elliot Hall discusses the importance of email marketing and the current trends he is seeing, while sharing some timely tips for people looking to review their email marketing strategy.

If you have any questions about the recent developments in personalisation, email automation and video integration, get in touch with our team of experts and make the most of your email marketing today.

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