
Seeing Double for February’s MVP

8 min read by Charles Craik 12 Mar 2020

It’s March! That means easter bunnies and daffodils that have been in supermarkets since December finally feel a little bit relevant, the weather is supposed to be improving and we’re ‘springing’ into another busy month (getting them in early!). In February, we talked a little bit about Google My Business in part 2 of Google Guides, we advised you on how to spend Google Grants wisely, launched a reading club and inspired the next generation of designers at the University of Worcester. All in a month’s work, right?

We also did some absolutely smashing work, so since it’s a new month we need to crown the next MVP king or queen as a congratulations for doing some extra awesome stuff. So let’s dive right into the nominations for February’s Most Valuable Player… (This one’s especially for IT Crowd fans)

“My nomination this month is for a member of the Production Team who has continued to impress me since the start of the year. Having spent 2019 under the radar and working away in the background – they’ve stepped up and out into the open with confidence and a drive to achieve personal and professional goals. Putting the extra hours in to support the team, tight deadlines and to delight our clients this person has found a new gear that has been noticed by a lot of people in the team. My nomination this month is for Sean as he has continued his focus and momentum in February despite missing out narrowly on MVP last month. Well done Sean.”

“With only 29 days to have made an impact this February, my MVP nomination must go to Oli. He has typified the core values of StrategiQ this month. He connected business needs with marketing strategies when it came to devising fresh, new campaign ideas for some of our bigger clients, which they signed off with no pushback. There was quality, purpose, and expertise on display when he delivered his ‘Forget Algorithms – Think Users’ talk during a recent marketing meeting, showing that under that buzzcut of his, is a brain with growing knowledge and marketing prowess. Not only this, he’s displayed impact, by juggling multiple clients whilst leading a well-performing SEO division that is strengthening our client’s businesses. Huge month for you, Oli – now treat yourself to a day off and maybe catch a Colchester United game. I hear Crewe Alexandra are in town on the 17th!”


“Poppy has stood out this month in so many ways. From grabbing hold of new PPC accounts and speedily running with them, to taking time to produce some highly detailed research pieces. Poppy never shies away from a challenge, is happy to talk directly to clients and has made a positive change each and every month she has been here. It’s amazing to think that it has only been four months, as she already embodies all the qualities of a true StrateQuician. (????) She works hard (and smart), takes initiative and cares deeply for the accounts she works on. Thanks for all your efforts!”

“Adam has been brilliant this month, putting his blood, sweat and tears into some of his best copy yet. His creativity and wit for some recent recruitment ads was admirable, and he can usually be seen working hard and in ‘The Zone’ for whatever he’s doing, even after everyone else has left the office. Well done Adam, All hail The Pest God *fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji*.” (🔥🔥🔥)


Well, there were a selection of interesting nominations this month, with a lot of value to be found in the kind words of a team after an incredibly busy month. We all genuinely really ‘stan’ each other (that’s kids’ lingo for support) and every nomination comes from the heart.

But who won??

So now we’re all finished googling all the definitions from above, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of it all – the winner!

We say it every month, but that’s because it’s true. It gets harder and harder every month to win this thing – the more people we have, the harder everyone works, the more difficult it is to stand out in a bunch of people that are just so damn driven! But there is always a winner. Sometimes, there’s two winners. With completely even splits, the votes this month said everything they needed to, and we got to crown two MVPs!! (that makes it EXTRA exciting).

The first of our winners is an email legend, an ambitious, caring, and bold yet careful person, who spends his time not only rocking the email world but also taking on PPC like a champ to support the team when they’re needed. Our second winner is a design extraordinaire, known for his quick and unexpected sense of humor, his impeccable animations, his intense attention to detail and his funky ‘choons’. Our winners for February are none other than Elliot Hall and Keiran Buchanan!


Let’s take a look at some of their nominations…

“Keiran has absolutely smashed it this month. The rate that he pumps out excellent design work is inspiring. He is constantly coming up with new ideas and designs that push the boundaries.”

“Never mind MVP, Elliot deserves a ‘Hall of fame’ slot for his efforts this month! Our email offering goes from strength to strength on his watch. With an impressive eye for opportunities and a really assured, knowledgeable manner, Elliot’s month has consisted of tantalising a number of clients with new email opportunities, delivering some very well-received PPC training and a shed load of hard graft. He’s always busy, but he never complains. A year on from starting his journey at StrategiQ, I think Elliot’s time for an MVP has well and truly arrived.”

“Keiran often flies under the radar so I feel he needs a mention! In his spare time this month, he has taken it upon himself to develop his skills in video and animation to create a video for one of our recent site launches. The client was really happy and are excited to start using it. This means that we can harness some of Keiran’s growing skill base to create a revenue stream for the business to boost our client’s social offering! Not to mention that regardless of the fact that he is always in the office bright and early, he is always happy to help and offer his expertise. He is growing in confidence with his design skills and I know he has so much more to offer the design team. Don’t stop K-Dawg!”


“Elliot is unreal! He takes complete pride in his craft and his attention to detail never ceases to amaze me. He is a creative genius who always seeks continuous improvement for not only his clients but for himself and his colleagues. He is never too busy to offer his assistance and is always so supportive no matter what situation you may face. Elliot is also such an easy person to learn from as he is so open and selfless with his knowledge for both PPC and email. He is just a wonderful presence in the office and thoroughly deserves a day off for his continuous hard work!”

And that’s that, congratulations Elliot and Keiran, thanks for all your hard work, take a well-deserved break and enjoy your dinners on us!

Fancy being the next MVP? Why not take a look at our careers page, get in touch or send us your CV?


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