
Nickerbocker Glory

5 min read by Charles Craik 12 Nov 2018


With it being the penultimate month of the working year – and with Christmas just around the corner – we’ve got a lot going on at StrategiQ HQ. We’ve been getting the bejeebers scared out of us at Scaresville (though that was mainly Ian), we’ve had charity bake sales and pumpkin-carving competitions – but we’ve also been launching websites out of our ears, introducing more new faces to team, and getting prepared for the next two months of festive mayhem. Phew!

There is one more thing that comes with it being November – we need to crown a new MVP! We recently updated our MVP programme to keep up with the intense growth we’ve experienced over the last year (as you may have seen in our Strategy Day blog). For those who don’t know, our MVP programme gives everyone the chance to nominate one person in the office who they believe stood out as the Most Valuable Player in the last month. The winner is treated to an extra day off (known as a duvet day) and a meal out on the company. It’s also a fab way to spread a bit of good news around the office and recognise those who have stood out and performed above and beyond – which is difficult in an office with such high standards and skill as StrategiQ.

So, who stood out this month? Let’s take a look at some of the nominations:

“I’d like to nominate Mike for MVP this month. Not only has he provided a much-needed extra pair of hands, but he’s constantly mucking in and helping out with small tasks for other clients in between his project work, with everything being delivered to an incredibly high standard. Facebook even commented on the quality of his Blueprint video for Tom; praise doesn’t come much higher! I also regularly see Mike watching tutorials on various filming techniques, which shows he is committed to continuous self-improvement. A worthy MVP.”

“Ian has pulled the stops out recently – he’s worked hard on making sure we’re able to feed back to the client properly and has taken a pragmatic and logical approach to get everything 100% right. He’s taken initiative to ‘just do it’ instead of waiting for anyone else to decide things need changing, and it’s made everything a lot easier. Ian’s efficiency and workload management have improved greatly over the last few months, which in turn makes us better at our jobs too! I also think he really deserves an extra day in bed after carving a pumpkin at 7 am to avoid FOMO and get involved in Halloween festivities!”


“Amy is an inspiration. She works extremely hard and is a valuable member of the team. Her dedication to clients, projects and the team around her is proven on a daily basis. Amy always goes above and beyond to assist others, even when it takes time away from her own tasks and commitments, and does so with no hesitation or fuss.”

“Adam is as reliable as the dawn. He plows through the mountain of content without breaking a sweat. Even two holidays don’t slow him down. However, Adam has also worked directly in InDesign this month, alongside Kara, who also gets a special mention, to help produce a document that secured further business! Adding value in all kinds of ways.”

So who won?

Considering we’ve had all these lovely nominations, it’s hard to guess who actually won (psst – the clue’s in the title) but there can only be one winner! Well, unless there’s two, or the whole office, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, our winner this month has been a bit of a dark horse when it comes to standing out. Nick has been quietly squirrelling away at his desk, keeping on top of everything and anything to do with the marketing team whilst also adding value to StrategiQ as a valuable part of the leadership team.

Here’s our favourite nomination for Nick:

“Nick has adjusted exceptionally well to the leadership role he’s recently taken on day to day, and the impact he is having on the marketing team’s careers and performance has been evident even more than usual this month. The operational impact he is having behind the scenes through hard work and attention to detail with processes and structure is impressive, and this only happens when you care and focus on your business and personal goals. This would be a very well deserved and earned MVP.”

So, congratulations Nick! Another month, another MVP, and a well-deserved one at that. Enjoy your extra day off and dinner out!

P.S. If you fancy joining the team and maybe winning an MVP of your own, we’re always keen to hear from people who could add value to our ever-growing team!

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