
New hire! Andrea Jones

2 min read by Charles Craik 9 Nov 2022

We grab a coffee with StrategiQ’s new Business Growth Manager, Andrea Jones.

Hi Andrea! Tell us a little about your background…

I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. My Dad’s career advice was to go into sales, as I’m good at getting what I want. Naturally, I ignored him and applied for uni so I could become an interior designer.

During that summer, I was given the job of Regional Visual Merchandiser at Gap, merchandising all the stores in the East of England. In the end, I loved this so much that I skipped uni and did that for 5 years. My claim to fame is that I styled the window displays for Gap’s UK flagship store on Oxford Street when it opened.

What did you do next?

I spent several years working in the investment industry before moving into local media, where I stayed for 15 years. During this time, I progressed from Account Manager to Client Sales Team Leader.

How has your career prepared you for agency life?

As commercial media evolved and moved online, creating multi-platform campaigns and learning all I could about digital marketing became a passion. Moving to an agency environment was a natural step to take.

What part of your new role are you most excited about?

That’s an easy one – working with the team! Everyone is so good at what they do. I’m excited to help drive businesses forward with this level of talent behind me.

What three things do you want people to know about you?

  • I love trainers.
  • I have two little people who are two years apart but everyone thinks they are twins.
  • I love working out and food (the two cancel each other out perfectly).

What’s your mission statement?

You can control two things in your life – your attitude, and your effort.

Welcome aboard, Andrea! Fancy joining the crew? Check out our careers page or get in touch – you could be next!

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