
Five ways of making sure your local media know you and your business

2 min read by Charles Craik 18 Feb 2014

Local Media

The local media scene in the UK offers a host of possibilities for brands wanting to raise their profile amongst nearby potential customers. In addition to the traditional print daily papers in large urban areas and weekly papers in smaller towns, many communities also have websites as well as Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. With this in mind, here are some tips for maximising engagement with local media to get your message across to nearby customers:

  • Firstly, research what is out there. You may be aware of your local weekly rag, but are you clear on what other channels are available? Does your community have a Facebook page? Is there a free paper that is posted through people’s doors? Where is the nearest BBC radio station? Are there any other independent broadcast avenues, such as student or online radio stations that will be interested in an interview with a successful local spokesperson?
  • Understand the hierarchy of local media. For example, in larger cities, such as Birmingham, there may be more than one daily newspaper which will consider its rival a competitor. It is important to establish this in order to adapt your approach, as, for example, they may want access to exclusive content, rather than be given a generic press release.
  • Develop relationships with local journalists. On a regional basis, it is crucial to get to know the press. Set up a coffee or lunch with relevant contacts in order to tell them about your business and what you are doing locally.
  • Consider hosting an event for local press and key influencers. For example, if you are opening a new restaurant or retail outlet, hold a launch party and as well as inviting media, extend the invitation to local politicians and community leaders. These stakeholders will ensure your message is spread widely.
  • Research awards run by local press. Many newspapers will have local business or community champion awards, which offer a great way of increasing exposure, and the ceremony is a good opportunity to network and get to know important individuals and journalists.

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