
10 points to Griffin-Dev

4 min read by Charles Craik 28 Apr 2022

It’s happened again! We’ve brought yet another wonderful human into the StrategiQ team. Please join us in welcoming Front-End Developer, Darren Griffin!

Let’s find out some more about our new code guy…

Darren has always been techy, he fondly remembers his first computer with Windows 98 (Whooooo??) being the driver for his love for technology, specifically computers. Darren continued this love for tech through to college, where he started a BTEC and learned coding on the side to satisfy his craving for the matrix.

Darren’s first job in the tech world was in IT support, which enabled him to spend his days with the tech he adored and continue to evolve his skills in development until he felt ready to pursue a role in the specialism. From then, he found his first development job in 2019 and got the opportunity to really sink his teeth into the world of code and learn from his peers. Following his first dev role, Darren jumped between development jobs and even started his own freelance side business in the search for the perfect role. Until he came across StrategiQ!

What does Darren do for fun? (other than coding, of course)

You’ll be surprised to hear, it’s more tech. Darren is in the process of building up his very own smart home – nothing over the top apparently – but cool gadgets that make the house just that little more automated. Examples include: ambient lights turning on at night when you enter a room, your phone notifying you if you’ve left a window open when the heating is turned on, and smartphone alerts if the front door has been opened or the smoke detector has triggered if no-one is at home. OK, that’s pretty cool.

Alongside his smart house, Darren also loves to play around with Raspberry Pis (not the kind I like, unfortunately, the operating system one), get himself on the DJ Decks to make some funky choons, and play the latest games on Steam.

He somehow also has time to enjoy playing tennis whenever he can. In his words, he’s no Roger Federer, but he’s incredibly competitive and plays with his equally tennis enthusiastic friend throughout the summer come rain or shine, fuelled by chilled beer and energy snacks. Darren then, who somehow has 48 hours in a day, will then spend his free time hanging out with his partner Rachel and their two beloved pets, Meg the dog and Doris the rescue cat.


Why did he choose StrategiQ?

“This will be my first time working with a marketing agency, but I can safely say that after seeing how an idea can come together with a wide range of professionals in-house, I am so glad to have taken this opportunity to be involved, I can’t wait to get stuck in.“

Welcome to the team Darren, we’re excited to see how you develop (heheh) over the coming months and years!

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