No more skirting around the value of CX

How a connected customer experience led to a 782% increase in direct revenue from email marketing.

Focus area

  • CRM & Automation
  • Data & Measurement
  • Email Marketing
  • PR
  • Strategy
  • UX/UI Design


  • Retail


Factory Direct Flooring (FDF) is one of the UK’s largest national suppliers of quality flooring. With an innovative approach to both sourcing high quality flooring and manufacturing their own, FDF offers customers over 500 flooring options to choose from, including Vinyl, Laminate, LVT and so much more. The company operates in a highly competitive online space, where it competes on range, price and delivery to steal an edge over its high street competitors.

Where it all began

At StrategiQ, we have seen FDF go from being a high street shop to a national online retailer.

Briefed to supply Paul Hambidge, Managing Director at FDF, with fresh ideas and a strategy to propel the business’s growth, our response was a multifaceted approach, underpinned by one simple focus: a positive customer experience.

Prior to our strategy, FDF was sending inconsistent email campaigns, with unfocused and unsegmented messaging, meaning valuable opportunities to connect with its existing database and build meaningful relationships with its customers were being missed. Additionally, the database was stagnant and had been hugely impacted by a ‘re-opt-in’ GDPR campaign in May 2018.

Creating personalised experiences

Through a holistic approach, our mission was to develop FDF’s customer relationships by increasing transparency around customer data, allowing us to use insights to drive a relevant and personalised customer experience.

It was important that we started sending the right message to the right people at the right time, so we utilised FDF’s email marketing platform by segmenting their database by purchase behaviour. Users at different stages of their journey received different, but consistent, volumes of communications per month, along with personalised content based on their lifecycle stage.

Alongside our business as usual (BAU) email campaign strategy, we also implemented a signup option in the checkout, and three key automation series to ensure we were communicating with customers at significant touchpoints on their journey: welcome (with two different entry points – bought sample or no purchase), post-purchase, and abandoned cart.

What was our impact?

  • An average of 600 new subscribers generated a month
  • 158.76% increase in email sessions YOY
  • 959.75% increase in email revenue YOY
  • 189.83% increase in email transactions YOY

Levelling up, together

By May 2023, we felt FDF had reached its full potential on its current email service provider (ESP), so to further develop the strategy and continue business growth, as well as take their customer experience to the next level, we chose to migrate them to Klaviyo, a new customer marketing platform better suited to eCommerce businesses.

One of the key benefits of migrating to Klaviyo is heightened audience understanding – each contact has a dashboard that gives insight into their purchase behaviour, site visits, email engagement and products viewed, allowing us to further personalise a customer’s experience by presenting them with the right products at the right time. 

Since the migration to Klaviyo, we have developed our BAU strategy, sending promotional and content-led email campaigns, further increasing the volume of emails sent to the FDF database, while continuously learning what different segments engage with through data analysis.  

Key drivers of our success on the new customer marketing platform have been the re-built welcome and abandoned cart series, as well as a new re-engagement series which aimed to pick up 8000 contacts in the FDF database that were at risk of becoming inactive. Additionally, with Klaviyo’s coupon code capability, we are able to create unique, one-time-use coupon codes. To utilise this, we have implemented an email sign up form, which triggers when a new customer lands on the FDF website, offering them a discount when they sign up to receive FDF’s newsletter. 

What was our impact? 

  • 21.52K email sign-ups in 5 months from our new customer sign up form 
  • 158.09% increase in email subscribers (May 2023 – Oct 2023)
  • 782% increase in revenue YOY
  • 174.22% increase in email sessions YOY
  • 681.17% increase in revenue (May 2023 – Oct 2023)
  • 302.02% increase in email sessions (May 2023 – Oct 2023)

The main thing that StrategiQ brings to the partnership with us, is that they are on hand to talk to us day in, day out. You often find, with large companies, you dont get to talk to the senior people within that business but they continue to do so. We are positioned perfectly at the moment – we are sat behind some of the big brands within our industry offering an alternative solution. We couldn’t have done that without StrategiQ and how they adapt with us.

Paul Hambidge

Company Director, Factory Direct Flooring

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