
Rich Scoops March MVP Award

1 min read by Andy Smith 7 Apr 2016

Rich MVP

This month, StrategiQ’s MVP award goes to Rich, our client brand manager. As is often the case, the voting was spread across a number of team members, with our Head of Search, Chris Green, coming a close second.

One of the nominations from the team summarises why Rich was this month’s winner, “My MVP has to be Rich – he’s becoming a bedrock of the team, producing a consistent stream of high quality work, and over the last 4 months, has become a real asset to the company. A lot of the PR outreach we’ve achieved in the last quarter has largely been down to his high quality content and attention to detail, which is great to see!”

MVP continues to be a real motivator for the team and an opportunity to recognise, not only the winner, but everyone’s contribution to the success of our clients’ marketing strategies.

I’m sure the night out on the company credit card and an extra day’s holiday this month will come as a welcome break for Richard after a sterling effort throughout March.

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