
We’re the Partner Sponsor for the DevelopHER Awards

3 min read by Andy Smith 19 Jul 2016

DevelopHer Awards

We’re delighted to announce the DevelopHER Awards will be returning for a second year, this time taking place at the Ipswich Corn Exchange on Wednesday 30th November.

As the main sponsor, we’ll be joining the likes of Google, Microsoft and Barclays in celebrating the inspirational women working in tech and digital, who are paving the way for future generations to enter these male-dominated sectors.

Vickie Allen, founder of the DevelopHER Awards and SyncDevelopHER, comments:

“I decided to start SyncDevelopHER when I realised that 99% of the time I was the only woman at local tech events. The aim of SyncDevelopHER is to promote women working in tech, and while we get a great turnout at the monthly meetups, I wanted to do more. The awards were created to bring together even more women, while recognising and celebrating their achievements, creating role models for others to look up to.”

Globally, awareness of women working in the tech and digital industries is seeing a huge push. For example, industry giants Google have set up The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, which is designed to encourage women from all over the world to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders in the field.

We recently saw this infographic from Debating Europe, which shows that only 19% of digital entrepreneurs are women, so we’re only too happy to do what we can to help reverse this disappointing trend.

StrategiQ’s tech dev, design and digital delivery teams all feature women in prominent roles, and we fully understand how valuable they are, not just for the important contribution they make to our own success, but also for the excellence they achieve for our clients.

If you’d like to nominate someone in one of the 16 categories, you can do so here. Nominations close on 5th September.

If you’d like to meet the best tech talent the region has to offer, you can buy tickets to the awards ceremony here.

For further information, please follow SyncDevelopHER on Twitter @SyncDevelopHER and Facebook. We look forward to seeing you on the night!

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