
MVP – Web Design Superstar

2 min read by Andy Smith 4 Mar 2016

Welcome Chrispy

We are proud to announce that Chris Powell our superstar web designer/developer has been awarded February’s Most Valuable Player.

Every month the team nominate each other for their hard work and the value they’ve added to both clients and the team. Normally the voting is pretty close, but February was almost a landslide with 50% of the team voting for Chris.

He has been influential in the launch of 3 amazing new client websites, and although he lives 45mins from the office, is rarely at his desk after the milk has been delivered. The quality of his work has been exceptional and his role model behaviour is second to none.

Apart from the prestige and recognition, this month the rules have changed… The directors have decided to up the ante by awarding the MVP with an extra day of holiday, or “duvet day”, that has to be taken within the month to catch up on some rest. In addition, they’ll receive a meal and night out on the company, as we feel their family should also be rewarded for supporting the MVP through the month.

It’s really hard picking one person each month when everyone is working so hard and contributing to the success of our clients’ businesses and our own. Special mention to Eren Coli this month, who came second with 30% of the votes – it won’t be long before he gets his own “duvet day”, which we all know is a strong motivator for him!

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