
2014 – The year of Mobile Marketing

3 min read by Ashley Thrower 18 Feb 2014

Mobile Marketing

The biggest lesson learnt from 2013 is that consumers are going mobile. Shopping habits and search behaviours are changing as it within minutes, you can find what you want and buy, literally in the palm of your hand.

So as all these changes are happening, what is it that brands need to do to ensure they keep on top of the trend,  and how can they ensure they don’t miss any conversion? Well, but following these three basic recommendations, you can mobile proof your digital campaign.

Make your site mobile

There are two popular way in which you can make your site mobile. Either by creating a mobile site ( or by creating a responsive website, which adapts its size and structure, depending on the device that is being used. Both of these methods can ensure that users will feel comfortable on your site when visiting from a mobile phone or tablet, and won’t drop off due to poor navigation, unclear text and images and even sites that take too long to load up. As well as user engagement, mobile sites are favoured in Google search rankings when searching on a mobile device, as when being crawled, Google will determine the best site for the device being used to search.

Make sure you measure

As mobile internet develops and matures, so will the ability to measure the data and behaviour of users. It is essential to use software that will provide your website data that provides mobile visitor numbers and behaviours in order for you to draw beneficial insights. By being sophisticated with mobile data anaylsis, brands can develop a mobile campaign that will meet the needs of its audience and assist with the latest trends. Using better data will allow you to analyse small details such as what sells best on mobile and what time people are more likely to buy via mobile – all valuable information for an online campaign.

Understand Mobile Advertising

Many have predicted that 2014 will be the year of mobile advertising. It is essential to understand how your brand can make the most of these developments. However, a lot of this is down to social media advertising. Social and mobile marketing go hand-in-hand, since at least 17% of the time people spend on their mobile devices is on a social network. It’s no wonder then that analysts predict mobile and social advertising will increase 64% and 47%, respectively.

If you would like to discuss how Strategiq can help with you mobile marketing campaign, contact us today.

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