
The Death of Page One Position One [SLIDES]

2 min read by tom 27 Jul 2015

Death of Page One

Page one, position one, the ultimate goal for marketers, business owners and many alike. Although most in the digital marketing community will have noticed that whilst the idea of being at the top of Google is still verymuch alive, page one, position one (as we’ve come to know it) is one which’ll disappear very soon!

Last week the good people at SyncNorwich let me come down and explain how the current shift in search will change digital marketing for everyone!

For those wanting a recap (or who missed it altogether!), take a look at my slides below.

The Fragmentation of Search

The sub-title of the slides “The Fragmentation of Search” really gets at what’s happened to search results over the past 5-10 years because of the changes in technology, the shifting context of when we search and ultimately, what we expect from companies like Google when we’re looking for knowledge/information.

This whole process is far from simple and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.


SyncNorwich is Norwich’s home of the tech and startup community – if you’re in the area I’d strongly recommend you make it to one of their meetups, they regularly have great speakers and the atmosphere was awesome.

Thanks to SyncNorwich for a great evening, drinks and some excellent discussion afterwards!

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