
StrategiQ Embark on a Mighty Charity Treadmillathon

3 min read by tom 18 May 2017


Never ones to shy away from a challenge, the StrategiQ team are set to embark on a mighty challenge in the name of charity, starting from next Monday 22nd May through the week. The StrategiQ team will be running, walking and if need be, crawling over 200 miles, all from the comfort of the StrategiQ office. When we were deciding upon our challenge, we wanted to see how far the team could run collectively over the course of the week, and we decided that running the full distance from our office to Amsterdam was a suitably daunting task.

We’ve organised the week into half an hour slots for each team member over the course of five days, meaning that each team member will have the opportunity to do their part for the cause. Although subject to change, this is how the timetable looks at the moment.

But why, we hear you ask. Well, the answer is quite simple, we’re looking to raise money for a charity that is very close to our hearts, Solving Kid’s Cancer.

We first became aware of the charity when we found out that one of our team’s close relatives, Hayley had been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Before being diagnosed Hayley was a healthy, happy little girl, looking forward to starting reception in September 2015. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk Neuroblastoma the week she was due to start school.

Hearing how brave Hayley has been in fighting the disease and her amazing courage as she faces treatment after treatment, we wanted to do something to help raise the vital funds needed to help Hayley and other children faced with same battle.










Luckily for us, the StrategiQ team features a number of keen runners, who have competed in various competitive events. The slightly slower members of the team will be hoping that our running superstars will be able to eat up the miles whilst the rest of us get into our stride and run our way to our ultimate goal.

We’ll be running throughout the week, so we’re asking that our friends, families, business partners and contacts will be generous enough to offer some sponsorship and help us raise the money that Hayley and her family need to ensure a full recovery for this brave little girl.

If you would like to sponsor us, visit our Just Giving page today. Every donation helps, however large or small and will make a big difference to a little girl’s life, so please, give what you can.

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