
State of Digital 2018 – Why SEO “Sticking Plasters” Aren’t the Enemy

3 min read by tom 17 Oct 2018


State of Digital 2018

In the tail-end of a busy few weeks, I was happy to be a part of the first-ever State of Digital conference. With some seasoned speakers from the search industry, the premise was simple, build from the teachings from State of Digital and deliver it as part of the new speaker format.

Having been given the opportunity to take to the stage and I presented some tips on getting technical SEO recommendations in place from my 8 years working in the industry.

  1. Not making enemies (with the help of the Dalai Lama)
  2. Deliver concise actions – not dense reports
  3. Find a working solution –  no matter what


From understanding the importance of communication with the client and developers, delivering clear & concise actions and some more unorthodox methods or getting technical changes implemented, there’s a range of tips here which are applicable to a number of different circumstances – whether you’re in-house or agency side.

Why SEO “Sticking Plasters” Aren’t the Enemy

Other/More Reading

During the talk itself & the conversations I had with the other speakers/delegates a the conference, there were a number of other talks/blogs which sounded like they’d be useful.

The inaugural State of Search Conference

State of Digital (then State of Search) was launched in 2010 by Bas van den Beld, and has spent the best part of a decade being seen as one of the most respected publications within Digital Marketing & the Search industry. The notion of a conference has long been considered, and finally was brought to life.

I felt thrilled to be invited to speak alongside a cracking line-up of speakers and hope well see State of Digital return again next year.

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