
Laurence Caton Awarded StrategiQ MVP

2 min read by tom 9 Dec 2015

Laurence MVP

Each month, StrategiQ Marketing award an individual within our team, the monthly MVP award. MVP stands for Most Valuable Person, for an individual whose contribution has gone above and beyond their regular monthly role and duties and contributed to the StrategiQ brand in a substantial manner.

The team is always growing, and in November, we welcomed Richard Wood, our new Brand Manager to the team, bringing us to a total of ten staff members. As such, competition was at it’s fiercest, with a number of team members receiving votes from their peers. However, with a majority share of the votes, there was a clear winner, our developer, Laurence Caton.

Laurence’s processes and work have continued to develop on a month-by-month basis, and the quality of which is of a consistently high standard. Laurence’s commitment to innovative and intelligent web design, as always has been evident throughout the month, with some exciting new web projects now on the verge of launch. We’re looking forward to launching them.

Laurence has set an example with his approach to work, having spent his own time at weekends and evenings working on projects to ensure a consistently excellent quality of work.

StrategiQ Director, Andy Smith said, “The MVP award has become an important part of our culture, and our opportunity to reward individuals for the work that they do above and beyond their daily role. Laurence’s continued commitment to his role really does exemplify the type of commitment that StrategiQ look to instill into our whole team. We’re all very proud of Laurence.”

Well done Laurence.

If you would like to discuss your marketing strategy with the StrategiQ team, then get in touch today. You can call us on 0333 358 3343 or use our contact form.

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