
Htaccess Hell – BrightonSEO 2016

2 min read by tom 2 Sep 2016

HTAccess Hell

For most websites one of the biggest events you can witness is a new site launch (or migration). When you have spent time gaining any kind of organic visibility within Google it is so crucial that you don’t take it for granted when mapping your 301 redirects. Good redirects mean that you’ll stand the best chance of retaining visibility – bad redirects, however, have the potential to ruin a business.

In my BrightonSEO presentation I set out a framework with which to approach any site migration in a way which will enable you to make the best of – what can be – a time intensive and stressful activity.

If you have any further questions or want to get in touch, please do so via Twitter or our contact form.

BrightonSEO Livestream

For those who weren’t there on the day Authoritas were live streaming the main stage for the length of the conference (hat tip to David Bain who was the host throughout the day!). Whilst my presentation wasn’t part of the streaming, you can see me commentating on the morning’s Technical SEO panel here.

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