
Elliot joins the Hall of Fame once more

6 min read by Charles Craik 7 Jun 2022

A new month, a new blog, and a new MVP. Every month, we crown someone who has gone above and beyond in their everyday life and has stood out from the crowd to earn themselves votes from the rest of the team – as well as a free day off and dinner on the company.

May has certainly been a mad one. The LondonSEO Meetup hosted by Blue Array kicked the month off, quickly followed by us welcoming two brilliant new faces: Laura and Louise. Finally, May saw the introduction of the StrategiQ working week, designed to help us focus Monday-Wednesday, think on Thursday and plan on Fridays. It’s safe to say there’s been a lot going on!

Amongst all the madness, we’ve all been keeping our eagle eyes peeled for that one person who deserves acknowledgement more than everyone else. This month it was a tough call again, as it always is, to choose just one person, but in the end it was a landslide win for someone who’s been in the running for some time… But before we get into that, let’s enjoy some of our favourite nominations from the team.

“I’m voting for Ben as he has come on leaps and bounds this month. He’s settling well into his new role within the performance team, helping the various teams with great performance insights and data that all are finding very useful. Great job Ben, keep it up.”

“I have been blown away by how quickly Emma Burley has stepped up to her new leadership role this month. I have been really impressed with how she has balanced our values, especially in her commercial thinking about clients’ budgets. She has also really taken control of the team she now is leading and I feel we are only starting to scratch the surface of her ability and what she will do for StrategiQ. Keep it up!”

“My vote goes to Keiran. His energy and humour have really put me at ease in my first few weeks; his effortless ‘can do’ attitude and the speed at which he delivers are just incredible. When I shared a creative concept that would potentially be a challenge to animate, he simply offered to spend a weekend on R&D. I really appreciate his effort, approach and style – and the value this creates for the business.”

“Lauren continuously wows us with the amount of knowledge and skill she has around Email and CRM. With selling in opportunities, building monster automation flows, creating customer journey maps, and all the other things she does, Lauren deserves to be MVP this month! Can’t wait to see her smash Dotlive!”

“Lauren G is an unsung hero in so many respects but her day to day work continues to grow in quality, attention to detail and level of delivery with every week that goes by. Her commitment to her role and her passion for social media both in work and in her own time is a testament to what it means to be obsessed with what you do. And it shows in her attitude and work ethic every day. She is a pleasure to manage, a delight to work with on clients and has a world-class attitude to her craft. She has a VERY bright future. Well done, Lauren – keep going.”

Ok, so now we’re all suitably warmed up with the fuzzies, it’s time to find out who won the crown of May’s MVP. The person who won this month has been described as proactive, creative, ambitious, expert, helpful, and I could go on! Our winner is well-versed in the world of paid media, loves a funky jumper and is the king of millennial lunches. If that hasn’t given it away yet, his name is Elliot and he’s our MVP Winner!

“It’s simple – he is absolutely smashing it and needs to win – no excuses. Proactivity, creativity, ambition, expertise, commerciality, relentless attitude…. I could go on and on. Elliot is simply on an accelerated journey right now to achieve his goals that are set in his Performance Plan and this will result in a positive impact for the business over the coming years, along with his own career. Have a day off and dream of the next set of goals that drive the current behaviour to another level!”

“Elliot has had an incredible few months. He has found another gear and is really making an impact with the way he is thinking about his clients and how he can achieve the best results. Always happy to help out and a real team player through and through. He gets my vote this month!”

“This month my MVP nomination goes to Elliot. He’s always willing to help and provide his input. His campaigns have consistently developed results this month, and his determination to develop creative thinking in the marketing department has really stood out. Elliot definitely deserves a duvet day!”

There is only one winner in my opinion this month. Not only does Elliot go above and beyond for clients but he thinks on a level about clients’ strategies and not just where paid fits in but other service lines too. Great work this month Elliot, you deserve a duvet day!”

“The guy has completely come into his own recently and is instrumental as a catalyst for new ideas and creating new opportunities for our clients. I wish I was him.”

“Just give this guy MVP please. I don’t know what else Elliot needs to do, apart from maybe making another Guinness Cake. End of nomination.”

With increasingly more dramatic and slightly aggressive love for Elliot via his nominations, he’s been crowned a very worthy winner of May’s MVP. Congratulations Elliot! Enjoy your dinner and day off!

Wanna win an MVP? You gotta join ‘em to beat ‘em. Check out our careers or get in touch to see if we’re the agency for you.

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