
Twitter Experimenting with in-tweet Analytics

2 min read by tom 26 Nov 2014

Twitter Analytics

Twitter’s introduction of analytics across all accounts this year, has completely revolutionised the way in which small businesses measure their success on Twitter and how it equates to tangible business success. The move also marked Twitter’s attempts to further challenge Facebook as the premier social media platform for business.

Now Twitter have looked to strengthen their hold with the introduction of in-tweet analytics, helping users to judge the success of individual tweets based on impressions, engagements and engagement rate, as seen in the example below.


Taking data from Twitter’s Analytics platform, the development highlights the importance of individual tweets and how keen we as users are to see more specific analytics instead of the standardised data stretched across thousands of users. The new level of analytics will certainly help to identify the popularity of content, rather then depending upon affirmative action from users to paint a picture of analytics.

The Future

Twitter, as per their company policy have declined to comment on this new feature, but hype surrounding in-tweet analytics has certainly suggested that users as a whole have a taste for this new feature. The somewhat slow pace with which Twitter rolled out universal analytics suggests that the speed of this development may be just as sluggish, whilst question marks may exist surrounding the users who will be able to access this service.

At StrategiQ, we certainly anticipate the introduction of such a service, understanding the value of a deeper level of analytics in the process of creating a successful social media strategy.

To see how StrategiQ can assist with your social media strategy, get in contact today.

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