
New hire! Gemma Raw

5 min read by Charles Craik 16 May 2023

One of our biggest goals as a business is not only to become recognised as a destination agency for clients, but also to become a destination agency for talent, too.

We’ve been fortunate to welcome some incredible talent to the team so far this year, and today we’re introducing you to another fresh face – our shiny new Marketing Strategist, Gemma Raw.

Gemma brings with her a wealth of experience, a penchant for proofreading and a problem-solving brain – let’s learn a little more about her!

So, Gemma, tell us a little bit about your background

It all started 10 years ago when I did an apprenticeship as a Marketing Assistant. From this, I progressed into an exec role before taking a little detour into graphic design with a creative agency. After spending a couple of years as a designer, I decided I wanted to move back into the world of marketing, where I climbed the ranks as a specialist and then a manager.

What’s been one of your top career highlights so far?

I’d say one of my personal highlights was completing my CIM Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing, because it really was a lot of work!

I studied for the diploma during lockdown while I was also working from home at the same time, so I spent many, many hours sat at my desk each day. It wasn’t always easy to find the motivation – especially considering what was going on in the world at the time – but I knew it would be a positive move for my career in the long run.

What made you want to come to StrategiQ?

Funnily enough, I applied for a design role at StrategiQ years ago and didn’t get the job at the time, but someone from StrategiQ then reached out to me six months later offering me a different role. At that point, I’d just accepted a job elsewhere so the timing didn’t quite line up. I’d always known I wanted to work at StrategiQ, and the company had been on my radar for a long time. Recently, I reached a point in my career where I felt I needed a new challenge and I needed to work with people I could learn from. I’ve watched StrategiQ grow enormously over the last four years and I knew it was the right time to jump on board and be a part of it!

What’s something you’d say you’re exceptionally good at?

I think people always gravitate towards me as a problem-solver – if any sort of issue pops up, people will usually say “go to Gemma” because they know I’ll have a solution!

As well as this, I have a real knack for proofreading and editing content, particularly when it comes to cutting copy down to fit a word count.

How are you feeling about the switch to agency-side?

It’s really exciting. I’ve worked agency-side before as a designer, so I’m already familiar with the pace and the set-up. I think it’s an environment that helps you to grow more quickly, and there are so many brilliant minds to learn from. I’m really excited about where the journey with StrategiQ will take me.

Moving away from all the business talk – tell us what a perfect day off would look like to you!

I’d head to London for the day and start with a really foodie breakfast – maybe even a bottomless brunch – and then head to the theatre to watch a show. After the show, I’d find a nice pub and finish the day with a gin and lemonade, before heading home to spend the evening with my cat!

Interested in being the next addition to the StrategiQ team? Explore our current vacancies here.

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