Here at StrategiQ, we’re constantly evolving our hosting offering to ensure our clients have websites which are secure against attacks, have a good level of uptime / stability, and load as quickly as possible to ensure the best experience for their visitors.
To help achieve these goals, we’ve been trying out the offerings of Cloudflare. If you’ve not come across it before, Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) whose platform contains a range of services which can help improve the performance and security of websites.
In fact, Cloudflare is currently protecting and accelerating over 5.5 million websites around the world – powering almost a trillion monthly page views for over 25% of the Internet’s population – making servers and websites faster, safer and more reliable.
We’ve seen some great results for the clients we’ve set up already, so hope to roll this out more widely in the coming months.
With this in mind, we are excited to say that StrategiQ is now a Cloudflare Certified Partner. This means that we’re able to easily bring the benefits of their platform to our clients, whilst being among the first to find out about their new offerings – ensuring we can benefit from the cutting-edge technologies which they offer.
This is just one step we are taking to improve our hosting setup – with many more to be announced soon!