‘Pop’ goes the MVP

by Charles Craik
8 min read

It’s May. The month of many Bank Holidays, parades and what starts to feel like summer because the mozzies are back and the nights are drawing out. It’s also my birthday month, so May is actually the best month, period. Unfortunately, none of those things can be enjoyed to their fullest at the moment due to what’s going on, but we can at least enjoy an extra day or two in bed bingeing Netflix… plus an extra day of lounging for whoever is crowned April’s MVP!

As we’re doing the best we can to feel normal, our MVP award continues full steam ahead. April probably felt the least normal so far this year and it’d be wrong to say that it hasn’t come without its struggles. Being a close-knit team, we’re all missing each other and the office vibe a lot, so we’ve supplemented our lack of physical banter with some online bants to the highest degree by joining in with an online company beer or two at the end of the week and meeting every morning over conference calls to keep us feeling connected.

One thing we’ve not lost contact with is giving a ‘ship’ about each other, and shouting out a colleague when we see them doing some cool stuff. This month the standard has been as high as ever, with the team really pulling out the stops to keep things running smoothly. Let’s take a look at some of the MVP nominations for April:

“My MVP nomination for April has to be for Keiran. His typographical animations for his latest project have exceeded all expectations and resulted in a great project to add to the portfolio. Some clients have difficulty visualising the end result but as soon as the creative brief was sent over, Keiran had rigged up a test in his own time for the client to see the look and style of the animated text which was hugely appreciated. He has a great eye for detail and his technical ability seems to grow with every animation he works on. I can’t wait to see what he has up his sleeve for the next project.”

“I would like to nominate Oli. He is always a pillar of support both professionally and personally. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve annoyed him within the last month with questions about SEO and PPC – and no matter how stupid my questions are, he always helps me to further my knowledge. He has suggested training courses/books etc. that are specific to me and my knowledge and has put the time in to recommend areas of SEO I should train and develop in as he thinks I will not only enjoy it but also be good at it. Although he is King of SEO he has also suggested other courses I should take, helping me to gain a well-rounded knowledge base. Oli will ALWAYS share his craft, expertise and experience with you, no matter what is going on around him. He has been invaluable during my training leave. Everyone needs an Oli in their team!”


“It was a tough month, for obvious reasons, and yet one person seemed to particularly excel. Not only was he completing his normal day-to-day work but that he also built and launched our website! I was astounded by this. I am constantly impressed with Tom’s professional, polite and kind response to everyone he works with and to maintain this approach whilst working as hard as he has done this month is truly inspirational. Thank you Tom Wake for being the embodiment of StrategiQ.”

“This month I’m going to nominate Adam. In a time full of change, he’s been his ever-dependable self and his account knowledge has been invaluable. He’s also been managing content projects and really been putting in a shift to get things over the line. A thoroughly deserved MVP winner in my opinion.”

“At a time where clients are on edge and facing numerous worries, Roisin must be a constant rock of clarity and calm for them. Somehow she’s managed to take on more client accounts, yet continues to show the same attention to detail and laser-focus for all of them, whilst also handling a crazy amount of comms. Winning new business is one thing, but maintaining the happiness of existing clients is equally as important – and Roisin nails it every single day. She’s a delight to work with, and repeatedly raises the bar for how Account Management™ should be done.”


With stand-out nominations for so many different individuals, it’s hard to stop myself from just giving them all to you to read and get the warm, fuzzy feels like I do. But there can only be one winner. Or two or three sometimes, it really depends on how everyone’s feeling. But usually one.

This month, the votes showed an obvious favourite. Having been pipped at the post a number of times, this front-runner was a nose ahead of the rest the whole way around the track this month. Her tenacity and commitment to getting things right, her outstanding performance when managing multiple channels and supporting others and her just being an eternal joy to be around meant that none other than Poppy Mace won by a mile for April’s MVP!


Let’s read some of Poppy’s nominations…

“Poppy is a clear winner for me in April. From shifting gears from PPC to Social Media to delivering a multitude of leads from paid social campaigns, as always, she got stuck into clients she hadn’t worked with before, getting to know their business quickly and deeply: a true caring and commercial expert. It was fantastic to see her work her magic on a channel she hasn’t worked on for a while. A worthy MVP.”

“Poppy simply has to win MVP this month. She was close last month, but the amount of work that has come her way in April would be enough to make lesser mortals throw in the towel and give up! Not only does she handle the workload, organise her time and prioritise effectively, she also produces deliverables that are far beyond a practitioner of her years. She never complains, she never stops smiling, and she never fails to hit the brief on time. Many would say this is the ‘day job’ and just what is in the job description, but the volume and intensity in April is on another level compared to what is expected. Great work Poppy – you REALLY deserve a day off, enjoy it.”

“Poppy has been a complete superstar this month. She has stepped into numerous new clients at very short notice as well as keeping her existing clients happy. The thorough, caring, conscientious, consultative and proactive approach she takes are our values in action and not only that she has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Thank you Poppy, you are a standout MVP for me!”

“Poppy continues to impress clients at every turn. She is so unassuming that she risks never winning MVP despite her track record for great results, great client comms and sharing her expertise with the team. There have been some monumental efforts all around the team when you start to weigh it all up, but Poppy has taken on all our social media work in addition to PPC and maintained her impeccably high standards. Poppy, you’re a huge asset and a deserving MVP in my view!”


Congratulations Poppy, also known to many autocorrects as Poopy or Popeye, an MVP truly deserved! Take the opportunity to have a nice duvet day at home with Farmer Dan and a Takeaway as thanks for all your hard work.

Have you got the MVP bug? We’re always happy to speak to like-minded people about moving their career forwards – so send us a message or drop us a line and we’ll have a chat about opportunities at StrategiQ.

‘Pop’ goes the MVP

We don’t want briefs.
We want problems.
That’s where the magic happens.

StrategiQ Full Awards List
UK Dev Awards
Rising Star
UK Dev Awards
Fintech Website
UK Dev Awards
Third Sector Website
Campaign Best Places to Work
UK Dev Awards
Retail/Ecommerce Website
UK Company Culture Awards
Best HR Tool
Sunday Times' 100 Best Places to Work
Small Organisations Category
UK Dev Awards
Best Third Sector Website
UK Dev Awards
UX Award for StrategiQ
UK Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin Ads
UK Paid Media Awards
Paid Media Agency Led Campaign Of The Year
European Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin Ads
UK Agency Awards
Best Culture Transformation Initiative
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search (Travel)
Social Media Awards
Best Use of Instagram
Social Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin
Social Media Awards
Best Audience Engagement Campaign
Emerging Talent
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search
Elite Agency
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
UK Dev Awards
Project of the Year
UK Dev Awards
Travel Website of the Year
UK Dev Awards
Best Site Migration
UK Dev Awards
B2B Website of the Year
UK Paid Media Awards
Local Campaign of the Year
UK Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Attribution
UK Search Awards
Best Local Campaign (PPC) (LARGE)
UK Search Awards
Travel / Leisure (PPC) (LARGE)
UK Search Awards
Retail / Ecommerce (SEO) (LARGE)
The Drum Awards
Best Business Development Initiative
UK Dev Awards
Best Migration
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
UK Agency Awards
Covid Response (Silver)
UK Agency Awards
Campaign Effectiveness Award (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search Third Sector (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Content Marketing (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Large SEO Campaign
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
Suffolk Business Awards
Business of the Year
Suffolk Business Awards
Small & Medium Business of the Year
DXA Awards
Best PPC Strategy with Powertool World
Suffolk Business Awards
Best Employer
Best Employers Eastern Region
Best Digital & Technology Business
UK Search Awards
Best Small Integrated Search Agency
EADT Business Awards
One To Watch Award