
A Bexcellent MVP winner

by Charles Craik
7 min read
Company, MVP

Welcome one and all to September, the month where we finally get pumpkin spice lattes back and it stops being so blisteringly hot we can start talking about how rubbish the weather is again. As you know, a new month means a few things, like new strategies, new clients, and of course, a new wonderful person to be crowned the coveted title of MVP.

Every month without fail, we crown another team member as the month’s Most Valuable Player, and thank them for their hard work with an extra day off on the company and a dinner out on us. August was no different – everyone took to their keyboards in the last week of the month to shout about someone they think went above and beyond their role.

Before we find out who took home the crown, let’s have a read of some of the best nominations from the team.

“I’m going to nominate Elliot again for this month’s MVP. I feel like he’s truly on a mission to make StrategiQ an incredible agency, bringing his experience to bear on everything we do and opening it up to scrutiny. This is both the big stuff and the small stuff – he’ll be thinking just as deeply about LinkedIn ad copy or social media posts as for the way we structure campaigns, organise our work processes and inject fun into what we do. His brain is alive with ideas and new angles. And he delivers all his insights in a calm, polite, well-informed manner that makes people feel valued. His new mantra seems to be “I think we can do better than this”, and I think that’s something we can all carry forward. Thank you, Elliot.”

“Immie deserves my MVP nomination because she is ready to take the lead on SEO projects, is a brilliant team player who is super organised and knows exactly where we are with things. She never loses her cool and sometimes doubts her abilities but really shouldn’t. She’s an excellent SEO and should be proud of the work she’s accomplished and her “on the ball” nature.”

“Another fantastic month for Lauren Oliver who has been working exceptionally hard to forge our Customer Experience Marketing channel. Alongside the day-job of handling multiple client accounts, Lauren has been expanding our tech-stack partnerships, putting her name forward for industry events and is picking up new leads first hand as a result of her visible profile and engaging partnerships. Really impressive month for Lauren!”

“My MVP this month is going to someone that could easily have my vote month in month out and that is Louise. It’s difficult to remember a time when Louise wasn’t in the team from the amount of valuable insight and input that she has on every brand that she touches. She somehow manages to juggle every single one of the projects she works on with poise and dedication, making it her mission to fully understand the client’s vision and mission in order to come up with the best outcomes possible. She’s always willing to help others, no matter how busy her schedule and that is something we can all admire! Keep up the incredible work Louise!”

“Levi just keeps on cranking out the search wins. Her pragmatic and considered approach to where the real value lies and the tradeoffs required when choosing a search strategy show a breadth and depth of expertise that continues to grow. Great to see.” (I can’t help but include one for me!)

But who won?

There’s some especially extra heartfelt nominations from the team for August – I think we were all a little emotional! Now we’ve dried our eyes and had a moment to digest all that loveliness, it’s time to find out who was feeling extra loved this time and won the majority of votes. It was a tough month to win since there were a lot of votes spread far and wide across the team, but one person pinched the win for August.

This person is known for her attention to detail, her tenacity and her dedication to finding resolution to even the most difficult of challenges. Her incredibly high standards keep both colleagues and clients on their toes and are one of the core reasons for the reputation for high quality work that StrategiQ has become known for. She’s also the longest serving StrategiQ employee! Surely you’ve got it by now?

Our MVP winner is none other than Becky Evison! Woooowoooooooo!

“Always ready to help with a smile, Bex personifies our values through and through. I love her attention to detail and passion to get things done correctly but also in a timely manner. Once again this month she gave up her personal time to make sure we got all the invoices out on time…. even offering to work from her dad’s car so we didn’t miss the deadline!! Always willing to go that extra mile…I have a lot of love for Bex.”

“Bex’s hard work and constant drive is matched by her incredibly kind and supportive nature. She has time for everyone and nothing is ever too much trouble, despite being on the go all the time. Not just a wonderful colleague but a superstar with our clients, she deserves a duvet day – just take her work laptop off her first!”

“I think Bex is more than deserving of a day off and she’d quite easily get my vote every month for going above and beyond. She really cares about her role but also cares about everything and everyone in the business. I’ve seen her giving some other team members some great support this month in particular and that is reflected regularly in the nominations she receives. Enjoy a day off Bex !!”

“This month my nomination goes to Bex. Month-on-month Bex goes above and beyond. It’s been an extremely busy month for her, but her commitment to keeping her clients organised is worthy of a medal! At times, this can be extremely challenging, but Bex keeps us all calm and collected to ensure that we not only keep clients happy but deliver great work.

However, it’s more personal as to why Bex gets my nomination. August has been a particularly challenging month, however, Bex was there to offer a supporting hand, making sure that I had the foundations in place to stay organised. Her support has given me the confidence I needed and for that, I want to say thank you Bex for everything you do. You are well and truly a StrategiQ superstar and I don’t know what we would do without you!”

Gosh, it doesn’t get much better than that… hope everybody had the tissues ready ‘cus that makeup be runnin’! Congratulations Bex, you really deserve your day off and dinner – thank you for your dedication!

Wanna win your very own MVP? If you want us all to be crying over your nominations one day, go ahead and check out our careers page or get in touch with us to find out more.

A Bexcellent MVP winner

We don’t want briefs.
We want problems.
That’s where the magic happens.

StrategiQ Full Awards List
UK Dev Awards
Rising Star
UK Dev Awards
Fintech Website
UK Dev Awards
Third Sector Website
Campaign Best Places to Work
UK Dev Awards
Retail/Ecommerce Website
UK Company Culture Awards
Best HR Tool
Sunday Times' 100 Best Places to Work
Small Organisations Category
UK Dev Awards
Best Third Sector Website
UK Dev Awards
UX Award for StrategiQ
UK Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin Ads
UK Paid Media Awards
Paid Media Agency Led Campaign Of The Year
European Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin Ads
UK Agency Awards
Best Culture Transformation Initiative
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search (Travel)
Social Media Awards
Best Use of Instagram
Social Media Awards
Best Use of Linkedin
Social Media Awards
Best Audience Engagement Campaign
Emerging Talent
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search
Elite Agency
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
UK Dev Awards
Project of the Year
UK Dev Awards
Travel Website of the Year
UK Dev Awards
Best Site Migration
UK Dev Awards
B2B Website of the Year
UK Paid Media Awards
Local Campaign of the Year
UK Paid Media Awards
Best Use of Attribution
UK Search Awards
Best Local Campaign (PPC) (LARGE)
UK Search Awards
Travel / Leisure (PPC) (LARGE)
UK Search Awards
Retail / Ecommerce (SEO) (LARGE)
The Drum Awards
Best Business Development Initiative
UK Dev Awards
Best Migration
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
UK Agency Awards
Covid Response (Silver)
UK Agency Awards
Campaign Effectiveness Award (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Search Third Sector (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Use of Content Marketing (Silver)
UK Search Awards
Best Large SEO Campaign
Campaign Best Places to Work
Winner Top 50
Suffolk Business Awards
Business of the Year
Suffolk Business Awards
Small & Medium Business of the Year
DXA Awards
Best PPC Strategy with Powertool World
Suffolk Business Awards
Best Employer
Best Employers Eastern Region
Best Digital & Technology Business
UK Search Awards
Best Small Integrated Search Agency
EADT Business Awards
One To Watch Award