
Amy Wins February’s MVP

5 min read by Charles Craik 6 Mar 2018


Spring has finally sprung in the StrategiQ office (we’ll forget about the snow and focus on the daffodils and easter eggs from now on please) and we’ve stormed into March as usual with smiling faces. February was great fun, as we’ve recently welcomed both Hannah and Kara to the team and we’ve all very much enjoyed getting to know them, helping them get to grips with the rest of the team and become part of the family here at StrategiQ.

Now, let’s get down to business, as it’s time for our coveted MVP award! Given the number of new faces and fresh eyes we’re welcoming into the team, we’ve had some great nominations and although there were special mentions all around, there were three clear contenders for this months’ award – Amy, Tom W. and Ash.

Let’s take a look at the month’s special mentions and nominations:

“My MVP vote is for Tom W just for the volume of work that he has put into all of the new processes,  time and energy into various projects and ownership of the work he has had. Great work, Tom, rest those legs.”

“Luke has been a dev machine this month, smashing through his tasks and launching his first site with StrategiQ. On a personal note, Luke has been a massive help with email templates, creating functionality to help them work better on mobile, and I can’t wait to roll out the new templates that he has been working on.”

“My vote is going to Bex this month. Bex’s style has always been attention-to-detail and perfectionism and I think this month it’s really shone through. Her handling of projects and clients has been outstanding and the designs are stunning.”

“For MVP, I would like to nominate Ian Garstang! Whether its a case of being the last one in the office still cracking on with work, ensuring the Gantt is meticulously planned or working out every small detail for a site launch, Ian already feels apart of the furniture in such a short period of time. He’s always on hand to have a chat and has become my go-to to bounce ideas off.”

“My MVP for February is Dan – who’s been a strong contender in my mind for a number of months – for a number of reasons. Firstly, his attention to detail and the quality of work has really shown through recently, especially with things such as SEO audits which are always so well received. On top of that though the work he puts in, which is out of hours a lot of the time, to build tools and better our processes, makes him a real asset to the team and deserves to be recognised.”

We love these little snippets of congratulations from the rest of the team, they’re always a fantastic way to start the month and keep us motivated to make a difference and keep building brands people want to be part of. So let’s get back to the reason we’re here – to announce the winner!

First, let’s take a look at Amy, Ash and Tom’s best nominations:

“I’d like to nominate Amy. She’s taking her new role in her stride; recent highlights are helping to orchestrate the continuous improvement of processes, using her knowledge to help with how emails are built for clients and dedication to her role always extends outside of the working day. Keep up the great work Amy!”

“This month I’d like to vote for Ash. He’s helped to develop the creative brief from its infancy into a fully working document which can be scaled according to the size of the project, whether it be large or small. This is and will be a key aspect of making our new process run smoothly and is an extension of all the other great branded material he’s curated. A pleasure to work with and always there to lend a hand. Thanks, Ash!”

“I would like to nominate Tom W. He’s been smashing it recently with everything he gets his hands on and has been somehow running in this ridiculous weather to boot. Always a smile, never a problem. Keep up the good stuff, Tom!”


There can only be one winner. Surely you’ve guessed it by now? It’s been a long time coming, but Amy was definitely ‘slay-me’ (I know, sorry) this month and very much displayed her can-do attitude and continual motivation to bring the best out of everyone in the team, as well as taking to her new role as Client Services Manager like a duck to water and diving in head-first.


Congratulations Amy, a much-deserved duvet day and a lovely dinner are waiting for you.

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