
Celebrating #Danuary

by Charles Craik
7 min read
Company, MVP

Welcome to February – the month of pancakes, finally having a glass of wine after dry January and Public Displays of Affection (PDAs). Here at StrategiQ, we have our own monthly PDA in the form of our MVP award, where we all gush about how much we love each other in our nominations for who we think deserves an extra day off and a slap-up meal out on us.

As we grow, it gets harder and harder to pick just one person who stands out – but apparently not this time! January gave us a clear winner. But before we get there, let’s read through some of our favourite nominations from the team…

“Daf’s been totally on it since the start of the year (and in fact before), working hard to engage with team members on their projects and ways of working, ensuring this is aligned with company strategy and bringing his own considerable marketing expertise to bear. Never shy of getting to the core of any issue and speaking his mind. Good work, Daf.”

“This month’s nomination from me is Daisy. Daisy is great to work with and always listens to work/tasks needed and delivers, there is never any push back and she just gets on with it which really helps us as a team. Plus she is always offering to help and takes on tasks that she feels could help the wider team without any hesitation. She is a very valuable member of the team and I feel she has really shown how great she is over the past few weeks and time of being at StrategiQ. Well done Daisy, you defo deserve this!”


“It’s been really tough this month to nominate just one person, especially after hearing all of the amazing achievements over the last year at the strategy days. However, for me it has to go to Elliot. There have been multiple things that have impressed me this month but one stand out would be his dedication and determination towards the creative sessions and really pushing it forward. He’s really run with this and I’m sure we’ll be seeing some great things come out of it. Not only that but Elliot has a brilliant work ethic and truly represents StrategiQ’s values. Give this guy a duvet day!”

“I want to nominate Sharon this month. Having seen how much more confident Sharon has grown in her role at StrategiQ, I believe she is deserving of a duvet day. The impact that she’s had across different teams has been great, and I’m so impressed with how she has taken on web projects and retainers like a pro. Client comms can be a bit daunting sometimes, but Sharon has handled that all with the world-class care we set in client services at StrategiQ. Her organisation and onboarding of clients have been great to watch, and her confidence is growing by the day. You are smashing it! Well done on an amazing start to 2022 Sharon!”

“My month goes to Charlie, oozing with expertise, class and calm control over his clients. I’ve seen it in action a few times this month, but how he managed his team, redeveloped a whole media plan template and very expertly walked the client through a massive document with the Baked In new opportunity was fantastic. The whole team are pulling in the right direction and his expertise has shown with his new business upsells and client management. Well done Charlie Taylor!”

Talk about PDAs…

Seriously though, it’s lovely to see the number of great nominations across the team this month. However, there was a clear winner, and it’s one that’s been building up for a REALLYYY long time.

This person seemingly almost wins every single month without fail – but this time he has finally done it! He’s a quiet but deadly developer with extremely high standards, impressive dedication, and is considered a patient and calming influence in any situation. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’ll give you another clue – he’s often referred to as Danny Long Legs, Dan the Man, Danny Sniper, Daniel the Great… the list goes on. (OK, some of those aren’t real but I was having fun). That’s right, January’s MVP is Dan Long! Let’s enjoy some of Dan’s much-deserved winning nominations…

“Dan was nominated 20+ times last year and somehow has still not won MVP or an annual award! Maybe this is his month? Is it Danuary?” (it is, anonymous voter!!)

“This month shall be known as… Danuary! That’s as long as this absolute legend gets what he finally deserves. To discover that Danny Long Legs has NEVER won MVP shocked and horrified me. The consistency this guy has, the quality; it’s a crying shame that he has missed out thus far. His relentless work and dedication continue to delight all involved. His impact on the business is clear for all to see. Everything’s already been said about this dude. Such a gentleman, professional, highly skilled; what’s not to like about him? He deserves MVP in January because… he just does!”

“This month I would like to see Dan crowned as MVP. Dan continues to demonstrate his expertise with our clients, putting the utmost care into everything that he does – the detail and relentless problem solving on Yoga Ed is an example of just one project where he constantly goes above and beyond to ensure we’re doing the right thing. What some of the team may not see is that this spills into evenings and weekends, not because of time pressures or because anyone asks Dan to do it, but because he cares, wants to solve problems and wants to help to make a difference to our clients. He’s constantly undertaking R&D, completing courses and he’s embraced everything from the strategy days, and has impressively mapped out his goals quarter-by-quarter in detail to ensure he meets his yearly goals. Keep up the great work Dan!”

“It’s the start of the year and it’s time to settle this once and for all – Dan being awarded MVP! I don’t work that closely with Dan, but I don’t need to, to be able to see the impact that he brings to the business and team around him. He’s been a trouper in working through some complex projects over recent weeks and is always on hand to jump on a client call or take the time out to talk through processes with members of the team. Come on Dan, it’s about time your MVP status was granted!”

Congratulations Dan, this win is so well deserved after making a huge impact on the team since you joined us. Enjoy your dinner and day off!

Wanna win your own MVP award? Better get started by joining us! We’re always looking for awesome, passionate people to join the team. Get in touch or check out our careers page!

Celebrating #Danuary

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We want problems.
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